Access all of the resources published by Science Union through the links below.
Previous Best Faculty Society applications.
2023 Best Faculty Society Application
2022 Best Faculty Society Application
This Handbook is useful for science students at all stages of their studies. From helping you pick the right majors, to vital information on applying for vacation and graduate roles, and everything in between.
Past and present Science Union Constitutions.
Previous financial reports prepared by the Treasurer.
At the beginning of each year we also release a Fresher Handbook. This publication is distributed to first year science students during enrollments and at O-day. Written by committee members, the handbook aims to help first year students through their first year as a science student. Containing key information such as important dates and locations, the handbook also outlines fundamental aspects of student life such as the best places to eat and drink, and how to be elected as a first year representative on the Science Union committee.
Members of the UWA Science Union are placed on our mailing list, through which they receive our monthly newsletters. In addition to our Facebook page, the newsletters are one of our best ways of communicating with our members. These newsletters let students know what’s happening around campus, what other science-affiliated clubs are doing, and what events or important dates are coming up.
2023 Newsletter #1 - 10/01/2023
2023 Newsletter #2 - 15/02/2023
2022 Newsletter #1 - 25/03/2022
2022 Newsletter #2 - 26/04/2022
2022 Newsletter #3 - 19/07/2022
2021 Newsletter #7 27/10/2021
Past Science Union Presidents’ reports.